COVID-19 testing requirements
Transport NSW have produced a summary of the COVID testing requirements for the transport and logistics industry.
These testing requirements are in addition to the stay-at-home rules for Greater Sydney including Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong local government areas.
Greater Sydney COVID-19 tests
If you live or are staying in Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour, you must have a COVID-19 test in the 7 days before working if you will be working 50km or more outside of this area.
- Please refer to the Map of 50km zone around Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas to assist in identifying where the order apply.
Greater Sydney workers including those from the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong local government areas must not enter premises for work that are more than 50km outside Greater Sydney unless they have:
- In the preceding 7 days been tested for COVID-19; and
- Have evidence of the test available for inspection by an employer, occupier of premises or a police officer.
Proof of testing
You must have proof of your
- COVID-19 test such as an SMS text message on your phone or an email addressed to you; and
- Home address or address of your temporary accommodation in Greater Sydney.
You must show the proof of your test when asked:
- at your workplace to the manager (occupier); or
- to a police officer.
Once you have been tested for COVID-19 you are not required to self-isolate while waiting for test results and can return to work, unless you have symptoms, have been to a ‘transmission venue of concern’ or a ‘case location’ listed here, in which case you must follow the specific health advice. Please continue to regularly check these locations as they are frequently updated.
Tests not required for transiting through
The rolling 7 day tests are only required if a person is a resident-of or has stayed in temporary accommodation (including a vehicle) in the Greater Sydney area including Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong local government areas and is travelling outside of those areas for work. The order does not apply to people travelling into and out of these areas or transitioning through these areas that are not a resident and have not stayed in temporary accommodation including a vehicle.
Temporary accommodation
If you travel into Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong local government areas and stay overnight in temporary accommodation, including a vehicle, you will be required to be tested every 7 days, and come under the stay at home requirements when returning home.
Entry to a workplace outside Greater Sydney
Occupiers of a workplace must not permit a person from Greater Sydney including Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong local government areas to enter or remain at the premises unless that person has evidence of a COVID test within the preceding 7 days. For more information on these requirement please visit
Fairfield COVID-19 tests
If you live in or are staying in the Fairfield local government area and are an authorised worker who is able to travel outside this area for work, you must have a COVID-19 test once every 72 hours (3 days) in order to be allowed to enter a workplace outside of the Fairfield local government area.
Entry to a workplace outside Fairfield
Occupiers of a workplace must not permit a person from the Fairfield local government area to enter or remain at the premises unless that person has evidence of a Covid test within the preceding 3 days. For more information on these requirement please visit
Regular testing for freight workers outside of Greater Sydney
Regular asymptomatic testing is one of the key controls that helps keep freight workers and the community safe and helps to reduce the risk of spread of the virus. While not mandatory for residents outside Greater Sydney, in line with the National Freight Protocol we strongly encourage regular testing, every 7 days as part of your COVID Safety Plans. Asymptomatic testing is available at the five freight-friendly testing facilities as well as at community testing facilities in regional and metropolitan NSW.
The five freight friendly pop-up testing sites which operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week at: